Full Featured Web CRM

Customer Module – Invoice & Quote – Income & Expense – Products & Services – Collect Payments Online

Customer Module – Invoice & Quote – Income & Expense – Products & Services – Collect Payments Online

Real-Time Business Software

A feature filled customer, accounts, quotes and invoicing system, complete with payment gateway.

Spend less time on manual tasks & Start focusing on what truly matters for your business.

Suited for all kind of business, whether you’re in — technology, consumer goods, services, retail, manufacturing or anything else. This is “THE” Dashboard for you!

It’s ready for both online & offline invoicing methods. Create it, send it, get paid online.

Or print it, give it to your customers. Every invoice generates unique, secure invoice url.

Customer can pay their invoice directly using this link or they can log into their own DashBoard

Special Features

Clients can REGISTER or SIGN-UP easily with SHORTCODES

Each new sign-up gets logged into their Dashboard immediately

Enable or disable the PayFast payment gateway

Clients can pay directly from their Dashboard / Web Portal

Collect instant Debit / Credit Card payments immediately on the Invoice or Quote

Calender sharing and other business features for collaboration between CRM users

Create professional Quotes using built in templates, View / Download PDF version, Send Email with quote, Convert it to invoice, Quote accessible from Client's Portal, Customer can Accept or Decline Quote, Collect payments directly from Quote or Invoice

Get new clients to Sign Up from your website with custom shortcodes, or register them yourself from the admin panel. Send them Orders, Quotes, Invoices, Files and more.

We have developed our local PayFast Payment Gateway into the CRM, and added features to allow you to collect payments immediately from the Quotation or Invoice upon the customer recieving it.

Inside this full featured accounting suite you will be able to track all your Bank accounts from one single place. Know total balance, transactions, statement etc. and be able to get income and expense reports at a click. Detailed and realtime visual and CSV Reports of transactions, expenses, deposits and balance sheet.

Sell both Products & Services. Create products & services, use it in Invoicing, Proposals, Orders etc & Track your sales. Create your own Products and Services, Categories and Tags, and select them from your products drop down list when Quoting or Invoicing.

Sell smarter & faster with our integrated billing and sales CRM. Target your customers and audiences online through your website. Invoice customers and get paid online. Seamless Online Payment system let you receive payments right away. Track your Revenue, Manage Customers, Billing, in one integrated solution.

Our IT Solutions team can help you get started with your VoIP Phone install. We can also asssit with your business website development, data backups and cloud storage.